Protection Spells - Banish bad energy, unpleasant people,defend your belongings, spirit n space.

Uttarakhand, Dehradun
07:25 17/05/2022

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Banish bad energy, ward off unpleasant people, and defend your belongings, your spirit and your space with these spells focused specifically on protection.
In our modern world there is a lot to worry about, from the global-scale—climate change, political uncertainty—to the personal—a toxic ex, cyber bulling. Spell crafting can help you find comfort in a stressful world. These spells will give you the tools to take charge of defending yourself in both energy and physicality.With over 100 spells for protection and defense, and a glossary of protective symbols, stones, and other objects to keep on hand, these spells can help you cleanse your room and cast out old negative energies, put a protective and peace-preserving bubble around yourself as you ride the bus, deflect grumpiness and negativity from people you work with—and so much moreGet in touch now with Prof Sophie via Whatsapp/ call on +27739866595 or email:

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